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This servo amplifier is comprised of a one- or three-phase power supply and a high-performance control unit housed in a single enclosure. This servo amplifier is available in 110VAC-480VAC models.

S701/S724 Part SchemeOpen the PDF
S748/S772 Part SchemeOpen the PDF
Online Help for S300/S700 (including ASCII Reference)Open the Help

See S300 & S700 Errors and Warnings for a comprehensive list of faults.

Hardware Expansions


Digital / Analog I/OsPosition Output (encoder emulation)Software InterfacesMultiFieldbusMultiFeedback
  • 2 programmable analog inputs
  • 4 programmable digital inputs
  • 2 programmable digital inputs/outputs (direction selectable)
  • 14 digital inputs and 8 outputs with expansion card I/O-14/08
  • 2 analog outputs with expansion card PosI/O- Monitor

S700 Hardware Revision Number

Following are tables for the required firmware versions for S700 drives based on their Hardware Revision.

S701y2...724y2 (STO Dual Channel)

Hardware RevisionFirmware VersionDateRemarksExport Classification
02.105.18 - 5.992010-02STO dual channel(S7xxy2), Memory card usable, certified safety, part number scheme changedAL-3A225
02.205.18_ND1 - 5.99_ND12014-12Dual use, new data structureAL-3A225
02.205.18_ND0 - 5.99_ND02014-12Non Dual use, new data structure-
02.30>=6.00_ND1*2017-04Dual use, single-cable motor connection possible, memory increasedAL-3A225
02.30>=6.00_ND0*2017-04Non Dual use, single-cable motor connection possible, memory increased-
For Firmware downgrade < 5.45 please contact your service partner

* can be downgraded to 5.45 - 5.99


Hardware RevisionFirmware VersionDateRemarksExport Classification
01.01>= 5.002009-07Starting versionAL-3A225
02.10>= 5.182011-09certified safety, part number scheme changedAL-3A225
02.205.18_ND1 - 5.99_ND12014-12Dual use, new data structureAL-3A225
02.205.18_ND0 - 5.99_ND02014-12Non Dual use, new data structure-
02.30>=6.00_ND1*2017-04Dual use, single-cable motor connection possible, memory increasedAL-3A225
02.30>=6.00_ND0*2017-04Non Dual use, single-cable motor connection possible, memory increased-
For Firmware downgrade < 5.45 please contact your service partner

S701y1...724y1 (STO single channel), old product

Hardware RevisionFirmware VersionDateRemarksExport Classification
00.202.212007-01Starting version (S7xxy1)AL-3A225
01.212.50 to 3.492007-07short housing, X5,X6,X7 changedAL-3A225
02.003.50 to 4.992008-04X0/X8 inverted, EtherCAT onboard, charging circuit(parallel connectivity), single channel STOAL-3A225
02.10 (frozen)5.15 (frozen)2010-12 (frozen)Single Channel STO (S7xxy1), frozenAL-3A225
Trade Compliance English
Firmware-Historie S300 - S700 German
Resolving Servo Feedback Choices English
S300 & S700 Errors and Warnings English
S300, S700 ROFFSABS, Absolute Encoder Single Turn English
Reação a situações de falha S300-S700 Portuguese, Brazil
Servo drive da série S700 com falha F23 Portuguese, Brazil
Aviso n12 no S300, S600 e S700 Portuguese, Brazil
Como verificar as falhas atuais do S300 e S700 Portuguese, Brazil
Why does my S700 not work with the POS I/O expansion card? When the card is plugged in, the servo amplifier doesn't boot.

The card exists with different versions, visible on a label on the card's PCB.

With the current version (Nov. 08) "ROD in/out; SSI in/out" is marked on the label and the S700 needs at least Firmware 3.50. 

If "ROD out" is marked or no label exists, you have an older version, which can only be operated with an older firmware (3.06). Updating the card to the current version is possible at the manufacturer site.


What does CCC mean in the display?

A memory card is plugged but there is a problem to access the card. Remove and insert the card again. In case that the setup software is online, the message "Please re - insert the memory card" appears. More information to memory cards can be found on page Memory Card.

What does - - - mean in the display?

SD Card is not FAT32 formatted and is not usable therefore. See page LED Display.

What could be the cause for warning n08, faulty motion task?
  • faulty motion task number
  • faulty motion task checksum
  • table motion task without matching profile table
  • absolut target position outside of modulo range (with modulo axes only)
  • target position outside of software limit switches
  • internal overflow while calculating motion task ramps/position/speed
  • (invalid conditions for profile table motion task change on-the-fly)
In which Operation modes does the command MOVE work?

The ASCII command MOVE works in OPMODE 8 (Motion tasks) and in OPMODE 4 (electrical gearing)!

I replaced an S703 + single channel STO (HWR 2.00) with a new device + dual channel STO (HWR 2.10). Now the device does not work. What went wrong?

The difference between these devices is the STO concept (single channel - dual channel). The new second STO input is on X4A pin 3. This pin has been used as XGND connection with the old drive. So the drive has no 24V supply voltage now. Please see the page Safety Concept S700.

How do I calculate the current values in cases with a single line supply?

In case of single line supply the Maximum current values are calculated with the following formula (Rotary axis) 
     IPeakMax = Max. Single Line Peak Power * 60 / (2 * 3.14 * MKT * VLIM) 
     IContMax = Max. Single Line Nominal Power * 60 / (2 * 3.14 * MKT * VLIM) 

In case of high MKT and high Motor Speed the power must be limited to prevent capacitors from being destroyed. 
Example for S712: 
     IPeakMax = 3300 Watts * 60 Sec / (2 * 3.14 * 5 Nm/A * 14648 UPM) = 0.43 A 
     IContMax = 2200 Watts * 60 Sec/ (2 * 3.14 * 5 Nm/A * 14648 UPM) = 0.29

The amplifier shows warning n17 after replacement of a S300 or S700. The old drive did not show any problem with CAN or EtherCAT. How can I reset the synchronized fieldbus operation?

Set BUSP1 to 1 and finalize the configuration change with SAVE and COLDSTART.

Background: Bit 30 (COB-ID Setting for Tx-PDO) is supervised since Firmware 2.51. The amplifier sets the bit and expects the COB identifier is written with set bit 30, too (means: no RTR request of TX-PDOs is possible). 

If bit 0 is set to 1, then bit 30 is not supervised any more.

Which test pulse is allowed at STO enable input?

Pulse length < 100µs, off-time > 200ms. See page Test Pulse.