Migration from AKD EtherCAT IP mode to AKD2G CSP mode
When migrating from AKD EtherCAT IP mode (Interpolated Position) to AKD2G EtherCAT CSP mode (Cyclic Synchronous Position), the only thing that needs to be changed is the target position object (change from 60C1h sub1 to 607Ah).
IP mode is supposed to use a buffer to store many subindexes of 60C1h. Sub1, sub2, sub3... All of the data points of a motion profile can be set to the drive (to the buffer) at the beginning of the move. Then the buffer executes each position data point at the appropriate time with interpolation, much like running a motion task.
However, the AKD does not have the buffer and only accepts one subindex (60C1h subindex 1) for the target position. Therefore, the target position must be sent to the drive every EtherCAT update so the drive can interpolate and continue with the move profile.
In the AKD2G CSP mode, object 607Ah is used for the target position. There is no buffer in CSP mode, so a new target position must be sent every EtherCAT update. The drive will interpolate the data points (and even extrapolate if there are missing data points) to create the motion profile as it runs.
Since the AKD IP mode buffer was not implemented, converting from AKD IP mode to AKD2G CSP mode only requires changing the target position object from 60C1h sub1 to 607Ah.
The Mode of Operation must be set appropriately. IP mode is 6060h = 7; CSP mode is 6060h = 8.
The position scaling may be different for the AKD2G depending on how it was set up for the AKD. See the AKD2G online help for information about scaling.