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Kollmorgen Support Network

AKD2G EtherCAT W7011 Warning and F7011 Fault Synchronization Error Support >

This article provides details related to cause and remedy of the W7011 warning and F7011 Fault in the AKD2G EtherCAT drive.

AKD2G Ethernet IP Support Files and Getting Started >

This document provides details on how to find support files and documentation for AKD2G Ethernet IP

AKD2G Profinet PNU Reads and Writes Application Note Revision A >

This application note demonstrates AKD2G parameter access from a S7-1500 PLC using the SinaPara function block for multi-parameter access and the SinaParaS for single parameter access. Please sign into your Siemens Support Portal to download these…

KAS IDE v4.00 is now available!! >

New Features Next Generation Controller Software Compatible with PCMM/PDMM (1st Generation Controllers) 64-bit Runtime (2nd Generation Controllers) AKD2G Modular Device Profile (MDP) I/O MDP IO support for model variants New…

AKD2G Actions Used for AC Mains Switch-Off after Controlled Stop >

The controlled motion of any given axis of a machine will require the AC mains to be dropped after completion of an emergency-stop (NEC - Category 1).  The necessary NEC stop category is determined based on the machine builder’s safety…

AKD2G Gantry Mode with KAS Controller >

AKD2G Dual Axis drives have the ability to use the new Gantry Command Source. When the Command Source is changed to 4 - Gantry, Axis2 will follow all commands sent to Axis1 (enable/disable and motion commands). This is meant to be used when there are…

AKD1G vs AKD2G EtherNet/IP Command and Response Assembly Structure >

The following chart demonstrates the differences in byte allocation for the command and response assemblies for the AKD1G and AKD2G EtherNet/IP drives.

Migration from AKD EtherCAT IP mode to AKD2G CSP mode >

When migrating from AKD EtherCAT IP mode (Interpolated Position) to AKD2G EtherCAT CSP mode (Cyclic Synchronous Position), the only thing that needs to be changed is the target position object (change from 60C1h sub1 to 607Ah). IP mode is supposed…
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