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Kollmorgen Support Network

AKD2G Profinet Landing Page | 21 Sep 2021 | |

AKD2G Profinet Landing Page

This page contains useful information and links related to supporting the Profinet fieldbus on the AKD2G drive.




(If you are looking for Profinet support for the AKD, go here: AKD Profinet Fieldbus Support Landing Page)


Workbench Help

AKD2G Workbench Online Help  The primary source of information regarding AKD2G Profinet (or otherwise) is the Workbench Help, also found online as the AKD2G Workbench Online Help.


GSDML File Location

The GSDML files for the AKD2G are available in the firmware download packages.  Download the firmware package from the website and open the Fieldbus/Profinet/GSDML directory.  Copy the GSDML file and image to a folder on your PC. 



Configuration of PLC Siemens S7-1500 ProfiNetTM and Kollmorgen AKD2G-SPP  This article contains instructions for setting up the Siemens S7-1500 PLC in TIA Portal for Profinet communication with the AKD2G.



AKD2G vs AKD Profinet Comparison  This article provides key differences between the AKD2G drive and the AKD drive related to Profinet.

Profinet Real-Time Jog in AKD vs. AKD2G  This article provides the differences in the Real-Time Jog behavior in AKD vs. AKD2G.


Sample Projects and Function Blocks

A TIA project for the AKD2G drive uses standard Siemens function blocks and technology objects.  There are no function blocks that are specific to the AKD2G drive.  This makes it easy to integrate the AKD2G into existing programs using familiar functions.

Siemens support page for PD_TEL9_DrivePos function block  This is the Siemens support page for the “PD_TEL9_DrivePos” function block for telegram 9 position mode.

Test Results for using PD_TEL9_DrivePos functiion block with S7-1200 and AKD2G Profinet drive.  

AKD2G Profinet PNU Reads Writes Application Note Rev A.  This application note demonstrates AKD2G parameter access from a S7-1500 PLC using the SinaPara function block for multi-parameter access and the SinaParaS for single parameter access.