Food and beverage companies and their machine suppliers constantly fight to keep our food supply safe. These microscopic battles are fought with large quantities of water and chemical sanitation processes. Hygienic machine design is critical even…
Decentralizing servo technology can bring machine and plant construction savings during installation. Two additional advantages include reduced cabinet heat loads and more straight forward drive architecture. The question arises however, which…
The ability to adopt and successfully carry out an effective sanitation program is largely determined by facilities and equipment that are constructed in alignment with sanitary design standards.
Your first question may be what is a servo motor’s inertia ratio or mismatch (J_load : Jm or J_load/Jm)? Simply put, the inertia ratio is an important figure-of-merit for helping the machine designer consider servo controllability and risk of future…
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems have traditionally been the market leader in providing power in the aerospace and defense industry because of their low cost and high power density. But in recent years, attention has been focused on the limitations of…
Safety has been a hot topic in automation and especially motion control for as long as I have been in the industry. The publication of EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC has focused even more attention on the subject. Also known as "The EC machinery…
Motion control applications are becoming increasingly challenging with higher performance, lower weight requirements, and increased functionality. Meeting these challenges often requires complex control algorithms, which call for more expertise and…
The expansion of closed-loop feedback motion control into less traditional applications will undoubtedly bring forth a new generation of specialized low-cost permanent magnet (PM) servo drives. Depending on the complexity of requirements, many of…
An often asked question from industrial machine builders or integrators is how can they effectively design or implement the conversion of a machine with servo technology to meet performance expectations. This is a specialized task filled with layers…
Kollmorgen Stepper Motor Technology Greatly Simplifies Machine DesignTechnology Brief - Q & A - If extensive wiring in your application is proving to be a difficult issue, then stepper motors are the best choice as they require significantly less…
How current food safety regulatory requirements are affecting hygienic equipment in food processing and packaging facilities.
Improvements in permanent magnet materials and more efficient electro-magnetic designs are leading the drive to replace high maintenance hydraulic systems.