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Kollmorgen Support Network

Workbench loses connection when EtherCAT master is connected to the AKD using EoE | 01 Oct 2021 | |

Workbench loses connection when EtherCAT master is connected to the AKD using EoE

EoE Overview

EoE = Ethernet over EtherCAT

This allows communication between Workbench (installed on the EtherCAT master PC) and the AKD using Telnet communication over the EtherCAT network.  It allows connecting to the drive with Workbench without needing a separate PC or Ethernet port.

Types of Connections

EoE connection:

  • EtherCAT Master PC with Workbench installed ---> Telnet over EtherCAT ---> AKD X5 EtherCAT Port

Separate Workbench and EtherCAT connections:

  • EtherCAT Master ---> EtherCAT communication ---> AKD X5 EtherCAT Port
  • Separate PC with Workbench installed ---> Telnet communication ---> AKD X11 Service Port

Workbench Communication Loss

When the AKD drive is connected to both the EtherCAT master on X5 (EtherCAT Port) and Workbench on X11 (Service Port), if EoE is enabled in the master, it will cause Workbench to lose communication.  Workbench will not discover or connect to the AKD on the Service Port while EoE is enable in the PLC.  The AKD and Workbench will not play nice if EoE is enable and you are trying to communicate using Telnet on X11 port.  In TwinCAT, EoE must be disable (checkbox unchecked) for each device, not just in the main communications settings.

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