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| 11:00 a.m. ET

All automated machines, especially those with high-performance motion, create a potential hazard for the humans interacting with those machines. In the past, mitigating the risk was often left to the responsibility of the machine operators themselves. Since the same people were also responsible for productivity, they often bypassed safety measures to avoid downtime. Today, as companies assume great responsibility for employee safety and with the impetus of upcoming legislation, the demand for safer yet more productive machines is growing.

In this session you will learn:

  • Why functional safety is an important consideration for both OEMs and end users.
  • What a modern implementation of functional safety looks like
  • How you can use Kollmorgen products to build a safe, productive machine.
Why and how to embed functional safety in a machine
| 11:00 a.m. ET

About the Presenter(s)

Lennard Rostin
Lennard Rostin

Lennard Rostin is a functional safety engineer at Kollmorgen where he collaborates with Kollmorgen product managers, other engineers and experts on a variety of projects to continuously advance Kollmorgen products. Most recently he played a critical role in the development of safety functions that help set the AKD2G servo drive apart as a technology leader in its class. Lennard earned his bachelor’s degree in safety engineering with a thesis on AKD2G in collaboration with the University Ruhr West, Germany.