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Define Velocity and Acceleration for a Motiontask using Custom Profile Tables | 26 Oct 2017 | |

Define Velocity and Acceleration for a Motiontask using Custom Profile Tables


I have a question concerning AKD Servo drive. I implemented a python library to control the drive motion using the telnet protocoll and with your help it already works very well.

Now, I have issues with a specific feature:

First I define a non harmonic oscillating motion task, using a profile table, defined with a normalised curve shape, which is cut into two (due to its unsymmetric shape) which is uploaded to the drive. (please see attached photo)

Second I add velocity and acceleration to obtain the motion law and to fit the oscillation frequency. With iterative adaption of the velocitiess and accellerations I achieved the desired curve.


Now I want to raise the frequency but keep the curve shape and the ratio between the two parts. Indeed the curves t0/t1 (ratio between first temporal part of the oscillation and second temporal part of it) is not constant.

How can I calculate the values for velocity and acceleration. It is obvious that he doesn't directly follow in terms of maxAngle/velocity = time, neither max acceleration for the given shape corresponds to the behavior.

Thank you in advance
Movement.jpg (2.48 MB)

Comments & Answers

Martin Rupf said ...

Martin Rupf |

Hi Stewart,

Not sure I completely understand your issue, but I give it a try. I just setup a short test command for doing a similar motion like your drawing. This has been done by using profile table and the 1:1 curve. To achieve the slow acceleration and fast deceleration MT.ACC/DEC have been calculated.

MT.ACC = MT.V / time acceleration

MT.DEC = MT.V / time deceleration


This example uses the following values:

MT.NUM 8: MT.P = 90.0°, MT.V = 60rpm, MT.ACC = 160rpm/s, MT.DEC = 480rpm/s

MT.NUM 9: MT.P = -90.0°, MT.V = 150rpm, MT.ACC = 1000rpm/s, MT.DEC = 3000rpm/s

So the ratio between acc/dec stays but the oscillation frequency is adjusted. If adjusting the MT.ACC/DEC the ration could be changed. Also if you want the amplitude to stay the same the MT.V could stay the same and MT.P needs to reduced by what MT.ACC/MT.DEC are raised. So all adjustment of the oscillation should be possible.



Raju | Wed, 04/21/2021 - 06:18

Hello Martin,
Can you please help me to write a simple python program to communicate with the AKD Drive using telnet protocol?

Raju | Wed, 03/31/2021 - 05:39

Hello Stewart,
Can you please share that python library? I'm also trying to implement this kind of application. My AKD drive model is AKD-P00606-NBAN-0000 and motor model is AKM31H-ACMN2-00.

Thank you in advance.

Raju | Wed, 04/21/2021 - 06:16

Hello Stewart,
Can you please share one python telnet example like reading the position of axis or enabling the drive?

Stewart | Thu, 04/22/2021 - 06:13

Hi Raju,
sorry for delay. I will find and share my codes. But for first step you can try to activate the Kollmorgen via telnet with :


import telnetlib
import time
class KollmorgenInverter(object):
def __init__(self, IP=""):
" is the default value for AKD inverter"
self._tn = telnetlib.Telnet(IP)

def initDrv(self, arg=0):
"""function to initialize the drive equipped with a encoder
possible Arguments 0,1,2 (see Kollmorgen manual as reference)"""
self._tn.write(("ws.mode %d \r\n" % arg).encode('ascii'))
self._tn.write(("ws.arm \r\n").encode('ascii'))

def en(self):
"""function that specifies motion task acceleration; Active only in
position operation mode (opmode 2)"""
self._tn.write(("drv.en \r\n").encode('ascii'))

def dis(self):
"""function that specifies motion task acceleration; Active only in
position operation mode (opmode 2)"""
self._tn.write(("drv.dis \r\n").encode('ascii'))

if __name__ == '__main__':
inv = KollmorgenInverter()

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