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Installation manual for AKD2G drives. Describes the AKD2G series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, software, and functional safety option 3: STO, SS1, SS2, SOS, SLA, SLI, SLP, SLS, SDI, SAR, SSR, SSM, SCA, SBC, SDB, SBT - SIL3, FSoE.

Versão: E
English Documentation Ver tudo

Installation manual for AKD2G drives. Describes the AKD2G series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, software, and functional safety option 2: SS1, STO, SBC, SBT - SIL3, FSoE.

Versão: E
English Documentation Ver tudo

TÜV NORD safety certificate declaring the AKD2G (FS1, FS2, FS3) meets the listed safety requirements. Version 2.0 valid until 2025-01-29.

Versão: 2.0
English Certifications Ver tudo

Pre-built package of Qt, used by KAS development. Redistributed here to be in compliance with the LGPL3 license.

Versão: 6.8.1
English Tools Ver tudo

Source files for Qt, used by KAS development. Redistributed here to be in compliance with the LGPL3 license.

Versão: 6.8.1
English Tools Ver tudo

Declaration of Conformity with the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU (EN 60034-1:2010/AC:2010) and the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU (EN 60034-1:2010/AC:2010).

Versão: 01/2025
English Certifications Ver tudo

Declaration of Conformity with the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU (EN 60034-1:2010/AC:2010) and the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU (EN 60034-1:2010/AC:2010).

Versão: 01/2025
English Certifications Ver tudo

File Contents

This .ZIP file contains the PCMM2G's OS and RT files.


The contents of this .ZIP file are used to update the PCMM2G from the web server interface.

English Firmware Ver tudo

KAS Runtime Firmware for 800 MHz AKD PDMM.
Note: PDMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.03.x.zzzz).

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Firmware Ver tudo

KAS Runtime Firmware for 1.2 GHz AKD PDMM.
Note: PDMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.03.x.zzzz).

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Firmware Ver tudo

KAS Runtime Firmware for 800 MHz AKD PDMM with an integrated AKD-N device.
Note: PDMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.03.x.zzzz).

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Firmware Ver tudo

This firmware supports AKD PDMM Servo Drive (1.2 GHz) with an integrated AKD-N device.
Note: This firmware complies with recently revised U.S. and E.U. export regulations (E.U. Dual Use Regulation 428/2009 and U.S. Dual-use regulation EAR Category 3 under ECCN3A225).

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Firmware Ver tudo

KAS Runtime Firmware for 800 MHz single-core PCMM.
Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.03.x.zzzz).

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Firmware Ver tudo

KAS Runtime Firmware for dual-core 1.2 GHz PCMM.
Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.03.x.zzzz).

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Firmware Ver tudo

KAS Runtime Firmware for single-core PCMM.
Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.03.x.zzzz).

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Firmware Ver tudo

Describes changes for the KAS IDE software.
Includes firmware, software, and hardware system requirements, and an overview of new features, what's changed, what's fixed, and known issues.
For software version 4.03 R1.

Versão: 4.03 R1
English Documentation Ver tudo

EU RoHS Declaration for all S700 Servodrives

English Certifications Ver tudo

EU RoHS Declaration for all S600 Servodrives

English Certifications Ver tudo

EU RoHS Declaration for all S300 Servodrives

English Certifications Ver tudo

WorkBench es una interfaz gráfica de usuario que permite la configuración desde diferentes dispositivos Kollmorgen. Incluye instalador estándar: la aplicación con archivos de ayuda completos. El .NET Framework se descarga de Internet si aún no está instalado. Para obtener más información sobre las funciones, consulte las Notas de la versión de AKD WorkBench.

Spanish Software Ver tudo