Shown below are graphs for Stopping Time and Braking Current. Beneath the graphs is a summary of the information and assumptions provided to generate these curves and the required rating of the necessary relay and resistor components for your 2G Motion System Safe Dynamic Brake. Refer to the appropriate AKD2G Installation Manual for information on installation and setup of the Safe Dynamic Brake components.
The AKD2G Safe Dynamic Braking calculator is a tool that will assist you in determining the Stopping Time for the motor when using the AKD2G’s Safe Dynamic Brake (SDB) function. In some applications, it will be beneficial to short the motor wires via “Safe” relays rather than using an electromechanical holding brake. In addition to the Stopping Time the calculator will provide you information on the Braking Current for the purpose of determining contactor and resistor ratings in the SDB circuit.
Please refer to AKD2G-S Installation Manual, Safety Manual section for details and wiring examples associated with the SDB function.
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Click calculate to begin. Calculations may take seconds or up to a few minutes, depending on your parameters, motor and browser performance
The AKD2G Safe Dynamic Braking calculator is a tool that will assist you in determining the Stopping Time for the motor when using the AKD2G’s Safe Dynamic Brake (SDB) function. In some applications, it will be very beneficial to short the motor wires via “Safe” relays rather than using an electromechanical holding brake. In addition to the Stopping Time the calculator will provide you information on the Braking Current for the purpose of determining contactor and resistor ratings in the SDB circuit.
Please refer to AKD2G-S Installation Manual, Safety Manual section for details and wiring examples associated with the SDB function.
Prerequisite Information
To use the AKD2G Safe Dynamic Braking calculator you will need to know which AKM2G motor model you will be using, whether the motor will have a built-in holding brake, the estimated inertia mismatch ( the ratio of the inertia between the motor and the load), the load friction, and the dynamic braking speed (the speed of the motor when the dynamic braking is engaged). Note that the dynamic braking speed cannot exceed the motors maximum rated speed.
Executing the Calculation
Using the Prerequisite Information you gathered enter the motor, whether there is a brake, the inertia mismatch, the load friction and the dynamic braking speed using the dropdown or direct data entry as indicated for each field.
Then select three external resistance values to plot.
When you have verified that you have all the information entered correctly click the “Calculate” button.
A dialog box will appear that shows the tool is making the calculation. The time to complete the calculation can depend on your system, connection and your selected external resistances.
The Results
When the calculation completes the upper plot will show the Stopping Time for the selected resistance values. The lower plot will show the Braking Current for the selected resistance values.
Below the plots you will find a summary of the assumptions used for the calculated results and a tabular listing of the result information including the minimum braking contactor rating and minimum braking resistor ratings for your selected external resistance values.
You may click the “Contact a Safe Dynamic Braking Expert” to reach a Kollmorgen Support expert to assist you with your application. You may also click the “Share Results” to produce an image file of your results to share with others.
You can repeat the steps as many times as needed to see the different possible stopping times and braking currents based on different external resistance values.
@External Resistance | Est. Stopping Time [ms] | Min. Braking Contactor Ratings | Min. Braking Resistor Ratings | |
Braking Current [Arms] | Braking Current [Arms] | Braking Power [Watts] |
Notice - AKD2G Safe Dynamic Braking is part of the AKD2G SafeMotion Functionality as described in the relevant AKD2G documentation. Operation of the Safe Dynamic Brake function depends on accurate inputs from the user in the calculator, correct installation, and proper application/use of the function. It is possible to permanently damage the motor (demagnetization) beyond repairability if improper conditions occur.
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