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Le format des versions de gammes de produits est le suivant : « 1.x »
Titre Version Langue Date de lancement Type Toutes les versions

Technical Notice for Kollmorgen Motion Control Products. Kollmorgen Motors used for motion control are excluded from the scope and requirements of the CCC Catalog 2023 edition.

Version: 12/2023
English Certifications Afficher tout

Declaration of conformity with EU directives for DBLx and DBKx servomotors.

Version: 09/14/2021
English Certifications Afficher tout

Declaration of conformity with EU directives for DBLx and DBKx servomotors.

Version: 5/4/2021
English Certifications Afficher tout

Provides compatibility chart for DBL, 6SM, SBL, and Bautz-M-Series to AKM motors.

Version: –
English Application Notes Afficher tout

This manual describes the DBL/DBK series of synchronous servomotors, including technical data, and electrical and mechanical installation. Revised 11/2016

Version: 11/2016
German Documentation Afficher tout

This manual describes the DBL/DBK series of synchronous servomotors, including technical data, and electrical and mechanical installation. Revised 11/2016

Version: 11/2016
English Documentation Afficher tout

Declaration of conformity with EU directives for DBLx and DBKx servomotors.

Version: 04/2016
English Certifications Afficher tout

Typenschlüssel zur DBL und DBK Produktidentifizierung

Version: –
German Documentation Afficher tout

Part number scheme for DBL and DBK servo motors.

Version: –
English Documentation Afficher tout

Interactive 3D drawing zip for Kollmorgen DBL motor, 2012

Version: 2.0
German Drawings Afficher tout

Interactive 3D drawing zip for Kollmorgen DBK motor, 2012

Version: 1.0
German Drawings Afficher tout