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Kollmorgen Support Network

Replacement of ACOMEL Drives >

Valid for S300, S700 Most of the ACOMEL drives used in high frequency applications can be replaced with S300/S700 servo amplifiers with special firmware. Dual Use These devices are export controlled ( Dual Use, AL-3A225 ) and require an export…


Valid for S300, S400, S600, S700

Operating Induction Machines (S300-S700) >

To enable the servo amplifier to also operate induction machines with the exact speed, the control structure had to be extended. For the additional elements, you must adjust the corresponding parameters. In all sensorless modes, the output…

Setup Software >

Table of Contents General Workbench for AKD DriveGUI for S300/S700 SafetyGUI for Safety cards S1-2/S2-2 Drive for S400 / S

Bode Plot Functions >

Valid for S300, S700

Hall Sensors >

Table of Contents General Applications Design Dimensions Rotating Direction, Connection

Derating >

Servo amplifiers A derating may be necessary due to high environment temperature or due to operation in high locations. Current values are affected. No derating for servo amplifiers with standard clock frequency, up to 1000m a.m.s.l. and with max.…

What is the max. value for motor temperature sensor (PTC)? >

That depends on the servo amplifier that is used. S300 5.0 kOhm S400 2.0 kOhm S600 1.6 kOhm S700 5.0 kOhm

Forming >

Valid for AKD, S300, S400, S600, S700 Capacitors integrated in servo amplifiers may be uncharged to absolute zero level, if servo amplifiers are stored for longer than a year without being connected to mains voltage. If rated voltage is…
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