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Kollmorgen Support Network

S300 & S700 Errors and Warnings >

This content is extracted from the DriveGUI documentation. 

KAS v3.03 is now available!! >

New Features FailSafe over EtherCAT (FSoE) "Black Channel" Communication AKD2G Drive Integration: Backup/Restore AKD2G with SMM options #2 (basic) and #3 (advanced) Robotic Kinematic Transforms: T-Bot, H-Bot, and Gantry IDE…

Procedures For Uploading and Downloading Drive Parameters With The S300 Drive >

Often users need to upload the parameters out of a failed drive and recommission a spare drive with the archived parameters. The attached documents detail these procedures. Note the documents assume you have the same model, hardware and firmware…

LED Display Codes for S700, S300, S600, S400 >

A 3 digit, 7 segment LED display is mounted in the front of the servo amplifiers. Operating status, Warnings and Fault Messages are displayed there.

Firmware History S300 - S700 >

New Functions for S300 and S700

S300 Hardware Revision Number >

Hardware Revision Firmware Version Date Remarks Export Classification 02.01 2.18 to 3.74 2006-04 Starting version AL-3A225 02.10 (03.01) 3.75 to 3.99 2010-05 AS->STO, new…

S300 Safety Characteristic Data >

Device EN 13849-1 EN 61800-5-2 PFHD (1/h) TM (Years) Input STO-Enable PL d, Cat.3 SIL 2  1.50E-07 20

S700 and S300 Series Drive Connections for the Incremental Encoder Feedback Goldline Series Motors >

S700 and S300 Series Drive Connections for the Incremental Encoder Feedback Goldline Series Motors This article describes the Goldline motors' incremental encoder feedback connections and Goldline motors' power connections to the S700 and the…

Motor Phase Wiring - S300 or S700 to KBM Preferred Standard >

The preferred standard electrical connections between the S300/S700-drive to KBM(s) - frameless motor, unless specifically stated otherwise, are based upon a C.C.W. rotation of the rotor as viewed from the lead-exit end of the motor, for a positive…
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