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Kollmorgen Support Network

Ingress Protection of Servo Motors >

Sealing is an important design tool used to prolong the life of motors against harsh environments containing dust or liquid contaminants. There are arguably an unlimited number of applications for servo motors and each comes with its own…

RDP - Rack Drive Panel >

Valid for S700

Holding Brake >

 Valid for AKM, AKMH The AKM holding brakes are designed as standstill brakes and are not suited for repeated operational braking. Built-in holding brakes without further equipment must not be used to ensure personnel safety.

IEC Frame Size >

Table of Contents General Usual IEC sizes Mechanical tolerance Recommended shaft basis fit

Cogging >

General Cogging torque designates a phenomenon with electrical motors, which possess permanent magnets in the stator and a slotted anchor from electric sheets or a slotted stand and an anchor with permanent magnets.

SFD Feedback >

Valid for AKM, AKMH, AKD

Fault Codes Motors >

Motors Mechanical / motors Other MA motor 70 balance 93 Wear MB brake 71 fit/play 94 Endat E
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