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Kollmorgen Support Network

KAS IDE fails to load ESI files and display missing ESI files error messages when FIPS security policy is enabled >

KAS IDE fails to load the ESI files from the ESI library and fails to add the EtherCAT devices to the project when the FIPS (Federal Information Process Standards) security policy is enabled on the computer. This failure may be noticed when using…

AKD2G Gantry Mode with KAS Controller >

AKD2G Dual Axis drives have the ability to use the new Gantry Command Source. When the Command Source is changed to 4 - Gantry, Axis2 will follow all commands sent to Axis1 (enable/disable and motion commands). This is meant to be used when there are…

SafePLC2 Project integrated in KAS IDE software >

The below video demonstrates how an EtherCAT network can be created with the KAS IDE software and the FSoE parameters can be automatically shared with a BBH Safety Controller. Also, Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) parameters setup in the AKD2G…

Where can I download KAS IDE (Kollmorgen Automation Suite IDE) software? >

Hello everybody. I've spend all the morning trying to download KAS IDE, but I didn't get.  Do you know where can I get KAS IDE?   I'm going to reprogram a Kollmorgen Servomotor driven by AKD-M01207-MCEC-0000 servodriver. I read that I…

Is it possible to merge two different programs that was development over platform KAS IDE ? >

Hello we are development a four axis machine, including its process control,  the machine programing is development by 2 programmers, one of them is creating motion control section and other one is doing process control  section, we are…

What's the recommended method to communicate with the AKD-PCMM from a .NET windows application? >

I'm controlling my PCMM from a custom C# .NET Windows application which is also controlling some other hardware. I can currently communicate with the drive via http get/set requests. But what is the recommended method to communicate with the drive?…

Selecting Cam Profiles from the Control Panel >

I'd like to be able to select from the loaded cam profiles on the control panel, and remotely. Is there a way to populate a Combo-Droplist with the names of all loaded cam profiles? Or to get a list from a global variable?

KAS Associated Firmware By Release >

The following table provides a resource for what firmware is associated with each release of the KAS IDE. This includes both firmware for the drive built into the AKD-PDMM controller, as well as the firmware for other drives that may be used within…

Copy an axis in KAS IDE? >

I have one AKD Ethercat axis configured and working in KAS IDE, but have 4 identical axes.  How can I copy/duplicate the working axis in my IDE config?
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