The following chart demonstrates the differences in byte allocation for the command and response assemblies for the AKD1G and AKD2G EtherNet/IP drives.
This video series comprises of 16 videos as a complete training on AKD Ethernet IP Communications. Videos 1 though 7 are essential and the remaining videos can be viewed in order or the user can pick and choose a topic of interest or one that…
This article demonstrates potential issues seen when users attempt to import the data types that the AOIs are codependent on and how to resolve them.
This applies to the use of the AKD-P EtherNet/IP motion tasking drive ( AKD-P-NxEI ) and the…
The following application notes provides details on the use and behavior of the AKD_Torque_Move AOI ( Add On Instruction ).
Related topics are included.
Since the MT.PARAMS is a string the currently active motion task number is not accessible using that keyword over EtherNet/IP.
The following article demonstrates possible workarounds.