Sample KAS Fault Handling code and project has been created for KAS applications that utilize the AKD2G drive. Differences in parameter names and functionality between the AKD and AKD2G led to the new code being created.
The following shows…
In past servo applications I have used the Servo designated forward and reverse travel limit switch configuration to stop any motor jog movement that exceeds a safe position. I'm configuring my PDMM limit switch set up and have…
Method 1: Add CPS.Control Object 3000 to the PDO mappings
Then map the Object to a Dictionary variable in the project. Example below shows mapping CPS.Controls to a PLC variable named CPSControl
The attached kUDFB named MLFB_AKDFAULT_5 will report up to 5 errors when called with an AKD servo axis using PipeNetwork Motion.
The following code shows calling the kUDFB then reading the present drive faults of 2 different AKD…
When debugging a program in KAS, you may run into a situation where there is a division by zero. These errors can be challenging to locate. The solution is to have an exception routine for this condition. Adding a breakpoint in your exception handler…