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Setting Up S606 servo drive | 14 Jan 2021 | |

Setting Up S606 servo drive

I'm seeking help for my connections that are shown in the attachment "Info". I draw current from the 3-Phase outlet 230-400V/16A for the drive and then I have differently installed the 24VDC power supply. When I power the system Error codes n10 (PSTOP), n11 (NSTOP) and P06 are shown on the screen. Any tips?

Is older than windows 7 necessary for using the s600 DRIVE.EXE software, cause when I push the COM1 button in software installed on windows 10, it says "No connection to amplifier", but that might be cause of wrong wiring and fault codes or the windows version.

Info.pdf (537.39 KB)

Comments & Answers

toddevans01 said ...

toddevans01 |

The n10 and n11 warnings indicate there are digital inputs setup in the drive for positive and negative limit switches ( which your photos show that you haven't wired them in ).

If you don't have limit switches these can be turned off using the DRIVE software online on the Digital I/O screen.

Otherwise you need to follow the S600 installation manual for wiring and installation.

P06 means you have a 6 amp drive and 1) the 24VDC logic power is present 2) the AC line ( DC bus ) is present but there is no software enable.

Upon a software enable ( and no faults ) the drive display will switch to E06 for a 6 amp drive indicating it is enabled.

As far as not being able to communicate with the drive, we have used the DRIVE software available on our website on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems successfully.

If you are using a true RS232 serial port AND a cable with the correct pinout and wiring then it should communicate if you point to the correct COM port.

If you are using a USB to Serial converter then you have to point to the correct virtual COM port. In some cases with some converters and chipsets, the serial communications do not work.

We do not have a list of verified USB to Serial converters.

The main support page for S600 manuals and other media can be found at:

Page 71 of the installation manual shows a PC to S600 serial cable pinout.

Status display ( on the front ot the drive ) explanation and flow diagram is shown on page 88.

I also recommend you engage your Kollmorgen supplier whom you purchased the S600 drive from for local support and commissioning.


I hope this helps!




Alexis | Mon, 01/18/2021 - 08:23

Hi, thanks for the help. I was using wrong RS232 cable, I changed it and now it works. And now I'm trying to figure how to enable the axis and how to control my motor.

Alexis | Mon, 01/18/2021 - 09:13

I solved this also, now I can control my servo motor. No help needed anymore, thanks for the help.

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