Looking for specifications for AKM -Ex commutating encoders when paired with AKD Servo Drive
In the AKM Selection Guide (page 60) I am able to find the following specifications for the AKM (1-) 1024 LPR and (2-) 2048 LPR commutating encoders, when paired with AKD:
What are the specifications for the other comcoders offered for the AKM? Specifically-
- (-ED), 500 LPR
- (-EE), 1000 LPR
- (-EF), 2000 LPR
- (-EG), 2500 LPR
- (-EM), 4096 LPR
- (-EH), 5000 LPR
- (-EN), 8192 LPR
- (-EJ), 10,000 LPR
It seems pretty obvious that gathering the Resolution after AKD would be fairly easy to calculate. Multiply the LPR by 4 due to AKD Interpolation.
But what about accuracy? Is there a resource that shows these values for the "-Ex" options above?
Comments & Answers
Dan.Wolke@Koll… said ...
First, this is post quadature and not interpolation. Interpolation is used with analog signals to add resolution. In the case of the incremental encoders, the drive is simply counting each rising and falling edge of the A and B channel.
Other than the mechanical error, the accuracy is about what you described: 5000 PPR = 20000 counts/rev and you need 3~5 counts for each point of accuracy so the usable accuracy would be 4000 counts/rev or 0.09 deg.
Remember, you need the system bandwidth to meet this accuracy. All the feedback counts in the world will not help if the system bandwidth is too low to control the position.
Dan Wolke