Add new AKDn on existing AKDC
Hi everyone,
I want to add a new AKDn in existing AKDC.
When I connect with workbench to the AKDC, at the begining, when he's scanning the topology he don't find the new AKDn, after that, I can see it on topology tab on the left panel of workbench, but I have a red dot that the communication is not etablish.
I found in this community two command : STRING1.DRIVESIPADDRESS
STRINGS.IPMODERESET, but I can't use it in my workbench.
Do you have any solution ?
Thank's a lot.
Benoit Charpentier
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Hello, The version is 2…
The version is
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Add a new AKDn in existing AKDC
With the following you can check or reset the IP addresses / modes for the individual strings:
STRINGx.DRIVESIPADDRESS displays the IP addresses of all devices connected on string x. When used without an index number it will return a list containing the IP addresses of all devices on the string.
When used with an index number it will display the IP address of a specific device instead, e.g. STRING1.DRIVESIPADDRESS 3 //displays the IP address of the 3rd device on the first string.
If the AKD-N’s connected to the AKD-C are set to an invalid static ip address, the command STRINGS.IPMODERESET on the AKD-C can be used to reset the IP mode of all AKD-Ns. After execution of this command, the AKD-N retrieve a new IP address either through DHCP or Auto IP. This command will only effect AKD-N’s with FW version greater or equal to M_01-14-00-003.
STRINGx.DRIVESEOEIPADDRESS displays the IP address of the Ethernet over EtherCAT interface of all devices connected on string x.
When used without a parameter, it will return a list containing the IP address of all devices on the string. When used with a parameter, it will display the IP address of a specific device instead, e.g. “STRING1.DRIVESEOEIPADDRESS 3” will display the IP address of the third device on the first string.
Hello Benoit, Can you send…
Hello Benoit,
Can you send me the version of Workbench your using? If you go into the Help and go to About you will find Your WorkBench version.