AKD with Siemens S7-1200 PLC
Trying the demo program "Automation of the AKD Drive with a Siemens s7-1200/1500 PLC and Profinet"
Implemnted the function blocks and telegram400 with no errors in compilation and download.
However, when putting the PLC in RUN state, it goes back to STOP with the error message:
"Temporary CPU error: System initiated request: - No or no valid data record for central device option handling
Pending startup inhibit(s):
CPU changes from STARTUP to STOP mode
PLC_1 / PLC_1 "
... very informative...??
Further info:
Module exists.
Additional information for the module:
Differences were found between the loaded configuration and the offline project.
Online article number: AKD-Pxxxxx-xxPN-xxxx
Offline article number: AKD-Pxxxxx-xxPN-xxxx
This difference is accepted by the system because the inserted module is compatible with the loaded module.
Kollmorgen WorkBench handles the device without problems.
Comments & Answers
karstenjorgensen said ...
Thanks Martin - this exactly solved the issue:
In PLC properties/Configuration control, the tick mark in "Allow to reconfigure the device via the user program" must be removed.
Thanks a lot again
Hi Martin
Hi Martin
Thanks for the suggestion
I have corrected some ProfiNet naming mismatches, all green ticks in online mode.
However, there still is something missing...
Se the newly attached screenshots (from Siemens TIA 14SP1)
Seems like your issue could
Seems like your issue could be similar to this.
Right click on the PLC -> Properties -> Check the setting in the startup menu
Not too familiar with the Siemens side, but seems like something in the configuration is miss matching.
Do you have the Hardware configuration downloaded too?
Is the wired HW matching the setting in the HW configuration piece? (Are the green ticks showing?)
Is there some more diagnostic information to give further information what is failing?