Brakes activation by noise??
Hello community,
We have a AKM23D motor. We are monitoring the +-24V brake signal, which seems to have a lot of noise and we think that this could be the cause of a random stop of the motor.
As you can see in the following figure, the stop of the motor triggered when the brake signal was under 7.6V, with a minimum peak of 6.253V or less that could have not been recorded because few points taken.
Could this peak activate the brakes of the motor? The signal voltage recovers to 17V in less than 160ns, and in the datasheet of the brakes it says that they get activated in more or less 36ms, so we understand that the peak shouldn't stop the motor.
Any idea if this could be happening?
Thanks in advance,
Hello, the 36 ms I suspect is
Hello, the 36 ms I suspect is the physical engaging time, disengage time from a motor spec sheet, albeit generally slightly different for engage , disengage. So I would not get confused with this. But noise and instability in the voltages could cause a problem.